The following is a list of frequently asked questions.

What does a baby lab do?

We study the development of babies’ minds and speech. We welcome babies aged between 3 and 10 months and their parents/guardians who are willing to cooperate with our research as baby researchers and carry out a variety of studies according to the age of the baby. The lab is designed to be fun and safe for babies. Diaper changes and breastfeeding are also available before and after the research.

Are there any fears for the child?

Parents will be fully informed about the nature of the investigation in advance. Of course, neither the baby nor the parents will be put under any undue strain. The equipment used for brain function investigations is completely harmless, and the images and videos used in the investigations are not frightening.

What kind of research are you doing?

There are a variety of different ones depending on the age of the child, but currently the main investigations are.
・Developmental testing: using toys such as rattles.
・Brain function studies: mainly near-infrared spectroscopy (optical topography).
・Eye camera studies: measuring babies’ eye movements.
・Eye camera studies: measure babies’ eye movements.
・Behaviour observation surveys: recordings of playtime.
・Questionnaire survey: to assess language development and daily activities.
For more information on each survey, see ‘Introduction to the lab’.

Are brain function studies safe?

The optical topography (which uses weak light that is not harmful to the body) and electroencephalographs used in the investigation are safe devices that detect and record signals emitted by the body. However, a hat-like object is worn on the head as a sensor, and some children who do not like hats may not like it and remove the sensor. If the child does not like it, we will stop the survey on the spot. We will explain the details of the mechanism in more detail at the first time of participation.

How long does it take?

The first time, you will be briefed about the investigation, fill in the necessary forms and questionnaires and [developmental test], which will take between one and one and a half hours. The second and subsequent times should take no more than one hour. Once the investigation has been decided, we will ask for your availability each time. Please participate to the extent that it is convenient for your schedule.

How is personal data handled?

For more information.